Sunday, 29 April 2007

Degree show meeting on Monday 30th April @1pm

Just to inform you of what the curation team have been up to.

We've been trying to collect your work into different groups or themes for the arrangement of the degree show since this weeks crit.

On monday next week at 1pm in the studio, we will be having a meeting to make some important decisions about your work and the space it may occupy. I

It's essential that you all attend because if your not there we'll have to make decisions without you, which would suck!so
yeah, i'll see you all on monday,any problems and get in touch via email

thanks everyone and see you monday


Monday, 23 April 2007

Notice about the Holy Trinity Church - PLEASE READ

We think everyone should be made aware that the church is a practising church.
There are 3 services each week with a small congregation of people.

If some students feel uncomfortable with this please note that without the arts programmes held in the church, Holy Trinity would have had to have closed and would have gone into disrepair.

Therefore the congregation welcomes the arts programmes because it keeps the church open for them.

Exhibition designers/curators needed for the layout of the internal show.

Exhibition designers/curators needed for the layout of the internal show.

Jobs include :

Space planning in the studio,
Deciding on how areas will be sectioned or joined together,
Liaise with tutors.

Please contact the Evaluation Team or post your comments on the blog.
(Rose, Kate, Helen)

Update on advertising material etc

The design team are considering all flyers/posters to be produced on stone coloured paper, with one colour print, this is to keep costs down.

For the catalogue the design team are considering a full colour brochure with minimal black on white text.

Any comments are welcomed.

Degree show meeting 23 April 2007

We are organising a new system in the studio where everyone will be allocated a folder fixed to a wall.

We are asking everyone to bring a sample and a small written account of their work in to be kept in these folders. By doing so will help with the organisation of the space planning of the exhibitions.

Holy Triniry Church Exhibition Space

Centre of the church walk way. Divided by pews.

View of main enterence.

Main door way, rear of church.

Right wall of church,

Above the altar, ceiling space available for projections, hanging ...

Altar table with dome above. (image above)

Wall space.

Lift hand corner space.

Example of window recess'

Main walk way down the centre od the church.

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Degree Show meeting on 23rd April 2007 AND visit to Holy Trinity Church

Monday 23rd April:----------------

9.30am: Degree show discussion, in the studio.

Be prepared to discuss your contribution to overall degree show, and ideas for how we might shape the studio space for exhibition

12.00: visit to Holy Trinity Church, organised by you!

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Fundraiser - Wed 9th May - Bav Sarah, Alicia

As most of you know me, Sarah & Alicia are doing a fundraiser night @Wire club to get extra few quid for our degree show and just a fun night out for us all.

We are doing it on Wed 9th May so just letting y'all know to put it in your diaries...
please come, and spread the word....we will be putting up posters and flyers as soon as.

We want some fun stuff happening on the night too like laughing gas, so any other ideas just let us know!

See ya guys soon


Friday, 6 April 2007


The Evaluation Team are happy to announce that a Blog has been set up as a central point for sharing information relating to the Degree show (and any other matters).

It will include a full record of e-mail announcements and updates from all teams, meetings dates/times, minutes from meetings and announcements,

Please be sure to e-mail the evaluation team; Kate, Rose & Helen with all appropriate information to be announced.

Deadline mon 9th april....Read on.....

hi all,

i hope your all enoying our easter break!!!!!

Just a reminder about mondays deadline for Steve.

4-5 image blk & white or colour
& 100 words about ourselves ---->
