Monday, 23 April 2007

Notice about the Holy Trinity Church - PLEASE READ

We think everyone should be made aware that the church is a practising church.
There are 3 services each week with a small congregation of people.

If some students feel uncomfortable with this please note that without the arts programmes held in the church, Holy Trinity would have had to have closed and would have gone into disrepair.

Therefore the congregation welcomes the arts programmes because it keeps the church open for them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know that a few people on the course have websites for their projects and work. Fi, Helen and Gemma do and I have a blog. Any chance you could add them as links on this page for people to check out if they want to. I think Gemma's is and my Re-Toyed Trash blog is I'm not sure what Helen and Fi's is. Thanks, Alicia xxx