Tuesday 15 May 2007

Internal show-New Floor Plan & Catalogue Deadline

Hello Everyone,

I have a few notices for you all,

1. Bryony has created a new floor plan after talking to Dan and the Curatorial Team.
It would be great if you could all pop into college at some point in the week and have a gander at it on the studio wall. There aren't any massive changes but there have been a few switch around. If you have any problems with the plan please get in touch with the Curatorial Team. People who have been moved are Bryony, Kate H, Rich, Kelly, Fiona, Caroline, Sarah and Alicia BUT it would be great if everyone checked.

2. There is a new plan for the catalogue deadline is Monday. All images and text to be sent this weekend to Dan Robinson. This is so that a group of people can check over the work before it goes into the catalogue.

4 colour .jpeg images, 10cm X 10cm if possible, 300dpi. max 100 words. e-mailed to Dan this weekend!


(If you're a dab hand at spelling etc your help at checking wouldn't go amiss. The more the merrier 10am monday.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.